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李曙光,男,博士、教授,硕士研究生导师,现任浙江科技大学自动化与电气工程学院执行院长。于浙江大学获学士及博士学位,美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)访问学者、博士后,德国汉诺威应用科学大学(Hochschule Hannover)客座教授。国家基金及省科技项目通讯评审、IEEE TIM、Photonic Sensors、IEEE Sensors Journal等SCI期刊审稿人、美国物理学会(APS)成员、浙江省仪器仪表学会理事、浙江省产品质量鉴定专家、江苏省产品质量鉴定专家,浙江省首批“机器人工程”专业负责人(2019-2020)及机器人工程学科带头人。主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省科技厅研究项目,主持重大校企技术开发项目,为知名企事业单位解决多项技术难题并产生效益。作为国内最早一批研究人员开展并发表了一种光学极弱磁场测量仪器的研究成果。发表中科院一区、二区高水平SCI论文,单篇引用最高380次以上。拥有多项授权美国发明专利与国家发明专利。入选首批“科大青年英才”称号,校“三育人”先进个人荣誉。











Dr. Shuguang Li is a professor at School of Automation and Electrical Engineering at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. He received his bachelor's and doctorate degrees from Zhejiang University. He was a visiting scholar and postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University, USA, and a visiting professor at Hochschule Hannover, Germany. He is currently the executive dean of the School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, ZUST. He is a reviewer of journals such as IEEE TIM, Photonic Sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal. He is also the member of the American Physical Society (APS), trustee of the Zhejiang Instrument and Control Society, product quality appraisal expert in Zhejiang Province and in Jiangsu Province. Dr. Li was the first batch of directors of the undergraduate major "Robotics Engineering" in Zhejiang Province (2019-2020) and a leader in the discipline of robotics engineering.

His research team has been engaged in the research of automated detection, robotics, artificial intelligence, deep learning, optics, quantum precision measurement and sensing technology. As one of the earliest researchers in China, he has carried out and published the research results of an optical extremely weak magnetic field measurement instrument. The research grants include those from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology, school-enterprise technology development projects and so on. He solved a number of technical problems and generated benefits for well-known enterprises and institutions. He has papers published in the area of precision measurement including those been cited more than 380 times for a single one, and he has national and international patents issued.

He was selected as the first batch of "Young Talents of the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology" and the advanced individual honor of "Excellent Educator" of the University. He has guided students to win the silver medal in China and the gold medal in Zhejiang Province in the International "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and guided graduate students to win national scholarships.

The main research of the group includes:

(1) Automated detection technology, sensing technology, optics and quantum precision measurement science;

(2) Robot control, intelligent manufacturing;

(3) Deep learning, artificial intelligence, fault diagnosis, digital twin;

(4) Signal analysis and processing, fractional-order system modeling and dynamic system analysis, nonlinear circuits.

We warmly welcome scholars interested in conducting the above research to join the group.

We welcome graduate students to join the group to pursue the master’s degrees.

E-mail: lishuguang@zust.edu.cn




   金哲,副教授,主要研究方向信号处理、非线性系统建模、虚拟仪器技术,教授课程虚拟仪器及LabVIEW语言(本科生专业课,大三,双语) 嵌入式系统(留学生专业课,大三,全英文) 电路与电子技术(留学生专业课,大二,全英文) 电工电子学(本科生专业课,大二)。













2018-2019年,美国德州大奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),访问学者。


2023年至今, 浙江科技大学,自动化与电气工程学院。




1. 主持,国家**集团**公司,交流机车增强现实抬显AR-HUD集中显示关键技术研究,2021-2023。

2. 主持,浙江天**公司,数字计量泵控制器研发,2021-2022。

3. 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于曳引电机动态模型的电梯故障在线监测关键技术研究,2017-2020。

4. 主持,国家重点研发计划子课题,电机系统综合协调与智能控制技术,2018-2021。

5. 主持,中国中***公司,高速磁浮直线同步电机及控制策略关键技术研究,2017-2020。

6. 主持,浙**大学,起动发电机的电机样机控制性能测试,2017-2018。

7. 主持,国家科技重大专项子任务,面向主泵试验台的智能仪表数采分析系统测试,2016-2017。

8. 主持,国家863子课题,研究基于802.11及802.15.4无线通信技术与研制开发无线通信模块,2007-2009。

9. 参与,国家科技支撑计划课题,轴重30吨以上煤炭运输重载铁路关键技术与核心装备研制-重载铁路调度优化系统研发,2013-2015。

10. 参与,国家科技支撑计划课题,新一代城轨交通列车运行控制系统研制,2011-2013。

11. 参与,科技部国际合作,应用于轨道交通列控系统的安全计算机核心技术的引进与合作开发,2010-2012。

12. 参与,铁道部重点课题,CTCS技术研究—新型网络化模块式专用列控车载装置研究,2009-2011。



[1] Ping Tan; Zhisheng Cui; Zhengguang Wu; Xufeng Li; Jin Ding; Jien Ma; Bingqiang Huang; Youtong Fang ; RTS-LCSS: A New Method for Real-Time Monitoring of Pantograph Structure, IEEE  Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems[J], 2023(Early Access)

[2] Tan P , Li X , Wu Z , et al., "Multialgorithm Fusion Image Processing for High Speed Railway Dropper Failure–Defect Detection," in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 4466-4478, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2938684.

[3] Yuting Zheng; Wei Xiang; Huayue Xu; Ping Tan; Youtong Fang ; Analysis of a Flux Reversal Machine With Consequent-Pole Evenly Distributed PM[J], IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2024, 60(1): 4-11.

[4] Tan, P., Li, Xf., Ding, J. et al. Mask R-CNN and multifeature clustering model for catenary insulator recognition and defect detection. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A 23, 745–756 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.A2100494.

[5] P Tan, XF Li, JM Xu, et al., Catenary insulator defect detection based on contour features and gray similarity matching[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A: Applied Physics & Engineering, 2020, 21(1):64-73.

[6] Ping Tan, Ji-en Ma, Jing Zhou, et al. Sustainability development strategy of China’s high speed rail[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2016.

[7] Jin DING, Yongzhi SUN, Ping TAN, Yong NING. Modularity maximization for community detection in networks using competitive hopfield neural network. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2019.08, 15(4): 1455~1467.

[8] Jin DING, Ping TAN, Yong NING. Recovering the Controllability of the Temporal Networks.2018 5th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS), Hangzhou, 2018.8.16-2018.8.19.

[9] Feng NIU, Shiran CAO, Jiachen LIAN, Ping TAN, Hong LI, Jian ZHANG, Jien MA, Kui LI, Youtong FANG. Common Mode Current Suppression for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Model Predictive Control. 2018 Thirteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2018.4.10-2018.4.12.

[10] Jinrong LI, Yinfeng FANG, Yong NING, Jing JIE, Ping TAN, Honghai LIU. Relative Confidence Based Information Fusion for Semg-Based Pattern Recognition. 17th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2018, 杭州, 2018.7.15-2018.7.18.

[11] Jin DING, Yongzhi SUN, Ping TAN, Yong NING. Detecting Communities in Networks Using Competitive Hopfield Neural Network. 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2018, 2018.10.10.

[12] Jin DING, Shirinbaev Azizbek, Yongzhi SUN, and Ping TAN, Feijie Wang. Detecting overlapping communities in networks with external optimization. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),2020.Accepted. (EI)

[13] Xing CHEN, Feijie WANG, Jinmei XU, Dongsheng ZHU, Ping TAN, Jien MA. A distributed cache system based on Redis for high-speed railway catenary monitoring system. 2020 China Automation Congress(CAC2020),Shanghai, 2020.11.07-08.

[14] Ping T , Yi S , Xiaobang B , et al. A Performance Test and Internal Flow Field Simulation of a Vortex Pump[J]. Applied ences, 2017, 7(12):1273.

[15] Tan, P. , He, W. T. , Lin, J. , Zhao, H. M. , & Chu, J. . Design and reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety analysis of a high availability quadruple vital computer system[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2011, 12(12):926-935.

[16] Ding, Jin, Tan, Ping, & Yong-Zai. Optimizing the controllability index of directed networks with the fixed number of control nodes[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 171(Jan.1):1524-1532.

[17] Ping T , Shi Y , Zhang X , et al. Design and Evaluation of Universal On-board Train Interface Unit[C]// Industrial Control and Electronics Engineering (ICICEE), 2012 International Conference on. 2012.

[18] Jia, L. , Ping, T. , He, W. , Jian, C. , & Chen, Z. . A safety-related digital input system based on the analysis of the architectural constraints[C]// IEEE International Conference on Service Operations. IEEE, 2011.

[19] Feng, N., Cao, S. , Lian, J., Ping, T. , & Fang, Y.. Common mode current suppression for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on model predictive control[C]// 2018 Thirteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER). IEEE, 2018.

[20] 谭平,李裕智,刘志健,Ahmed Raza,李增勤. 接触网张力检测系统研究与设计[J]. 电气化铁道, 2020, 31(1):4.

[21] 涂冬明,谭平,李旭峰,李裕智,丁进. 红外热成像在电连接温度监测中的应用. 浙江科技学院学报, 2018.12, 30(6): 474~480.

[22] 施一明, 黄文君, 何伟挺,谭平. 新型高可靠性列车运行监控装置[J]. 中国铁道科学, 2011, 32(4):5.

[23] 姚梦凯, 黄文君, 谭平. 采用自适应神经元的随机指数标记策略[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2011, 28(1):4.

[24] 谭平, 冯冬芹. EPA系统在华东制药工程项目的应用[J]. 工业控制计算机, 2005, 18(11):2.

[25] 冯冬芹, 谭平. 基于EPA的分布式网络控制系统在纯碱碳化装置中的应用[J]. 电气时代, 2004(7):2.

[26] 谭平, 敖春波, 李杰,等. DCS中智能位置调整模块的设计[J]. 工业仪表与自动化装置, 2004(4):3.

[27] 谭平, 冯冬芹, 黄文君. "工业以太网及其应用技术"讲座 第5讲 冗余以太网技术在DCS中的应用[J]. 自动化仪表, 2003, 24(8):3.

[28] Tan P, Cui Z, Lv W, Li X, Ding J, Huang C, Ma J, Fang Y. Pantograph Detection Algorithm with Complex Background and External Disturbances. Sensors. 2022; 22(21):8425. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22218425

[29] 谭平,毛江峰,丁进,等.面向接触网状态监测的无线传感网络循环冗余校验多项式性能研究[J].中国铁道科学, 2023, 44(1):177-185.(EI)

[30] 谭平,邱良杰,丁进,等.高铁接触网锚段终端关键参数监测技术研究[J].仪表技术与传感器, 2023(2):115-120.(北大核心)

[31] 谭平,陈振鑫,Ipyana Isaac Mbugi,等.基于边缘特征的受电弓结构异常检测研究[J].浙江科技学院学报, 2023, 35(1):30-39.

[32] 谭平,陈冠帆,黄楚媛,等.基于SSA-BP补偿的电连接温度监测节点研究[J].浙江科技学院学报, 2023, 35(5):430-438.

[33] Yong, N. , Yuming, Z. , Akbarjon, J. , Ping, T. , Jin, D. , & Jinbao, H. . Multichannel Surface EMG Decomposition Based on Measurement Correlation and LMMSE[J]. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, 2018:1-12.

[34] Ding, J ; Jiang, TY  ; Tan, P ; Wang, Y  ; Fei, ZS ; Huang, CY; Ma, J; Fang, YT. An improved gene expression programming algorithm for function mining of map-reduce job execution in catenary monitoring systems[J], 2023, 18(11):1-17. SCI 三区

[35] Zhu, M. , Wu, L. , Wang, D. , Fang, Y. , & Tan, P. . Analytical prediction of electromagnetic performance of dual-stator consequent-pole PM machines based on subdomain model accounting for tooth-tips[J]. COMPEL International Journal of Computations and Mathematics in Electrical, 2021, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

[36]谭慧敏,丁进,Ipyana Isaac Mbugi,谭平.基于边缘特征的绝缘子故障检测[J].浙江科技学院学报, 2022, 34(6):521-527.


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毕业生就业去向是高新技术企业、大型国企、大专院校等。已毕业硕士11名,1人次获研究生国家奖学金, 1名在浙江大学攻读博士学位,1名在新西兰攻读博士学位。






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